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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Gleaning Your Own Neighborhood

A short post on Gleaning.  Gleaning is the process of collecting the end of the harvest that no one else wants.  We went to a friends farm this weekend (thank you Bonnie) and they had so many apples still on the trees.  It got me thinking about my own neighborhood and how much food goes to waste just rotting on the ground.  Bonnie was nice enough to let us pick as many apples as we wanted and my girls got the benefit of the filberts (hazel nuts) that had fallen beneath the tree.  Bonnie explained to us that they can never use as many apples as they grow and have asked people in their church to come pick as many as they want.  Unfortunately, no one wants to come pick them.
When I got home I started looking around my own neighborhood and was shocked to see how many people have apples rotting away.  I am sure that when I ask, they will be more that happy to have my family come pick them, it will cut down on their clean-up.
I am drying the nuts in their shells and will have a family adventure in hulling and roasting them this weekend.  I am making and canning apple butter this weekend as well.  I will take pictures and post the recipe when I am done.
My friend Fawn and I are making the laundry soap, probably on Saturday and we will let you know how that goes.  Should be a rash of good posts next week!!!  Enjoy your day and think about the money you can save in your own neighborhood by gleaning and canning.  Free is a very good price!


  1. It is amazing how much just spoils. When I walk Sam I am amazed at how many tomatoes are just rotting on the vine. Luckily, lots of people bring them here so I can share since mine never grew!

    I used to work with gleaners long ago, helping them to pick up bread from local businesses that they then distributed to seniors and other low income folks.

    Mmm, apple butter... and I still need to get that blackberry stuff you made :] Someday!

  2. There is a local group that was in the news a year or so ago that gleans around Portland and donates the food to the needy and homeless :) They have a contact center for people to tell them about neighborhood food and they will go out and ask to glean :) I will try to remember the name. Great program. We did a garden swap at work this year too- that was fun but our garden was so pitiful we did not have much to share. I have some beans with Heathers name on them if she ever comes by for the bikes :B:B

  3. I even managed to glean an entertainment book from a neighbor who is going to spend the winter in warmer climates. Bonnie was saying her church does a swap meet. A garage sale of sorts where people bring the things they don't want anymore and can leave with what they want or need. No money changes hands, everyone just puts their stuff out and people shop. Great idea in these times.


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